Deborah Hoffman
Deborah grew up on a ranch and a farm in the Wildcat Range in the Western Panhandle of Nebraska, where the great flat plains drop to deep canyons and rise in Hardpan bluffs covered with Juniper and Pine trees.
She is the mother of five. Deborah and her husband have numerous grandchildren and three greats. Years of doing homework with kids (both her own and others) and technical writing for inventors, patents, financials, and business plans squelched the desire to write creatively. A move to a quiet, tiny community in the south gave oxygen to the spark to write poems and stories.
Her love of learning and people has given her a great collection of experiences and interesting, unexpected friendships. Many of those friendships and connections came from a place called Good Company Coffee Shop. This special place was a unique collaboration of training special education students and individuals from the mental health system. Not only did Deborah create friendships with the workers but was able to teach them life and job skills as well.
Currently living in a 119-year-old house that her husband chose to rescue, brought Debby back to the quiet times she knew as a child. Deborah writes effortlessly, and the storylines come like gifts being dropped into her thoughts. These thoughts spill out through her pen onto the page and only occasionally does she change a line or reword a sentence. The words seem to come out intact. She says that typing interrupts the flow, so every word is hand-written.
She learned to read at four. Reader’s Digest and National Geographic became mainstays-- no TV until much later. She read books constantly throughout her life and feels that now is her season to write. She hopes that by sharing her gifts of thought, something of eternal good and encouragement will be left in the hearts and minds of all who read the poems, stories and books.
Deborah is the author of a six-time award winning book called, "The Last Christmas Tree." She just completed a Christian mystery novel called "Except A Seed," and is working on a novella.